Friday 16 March 2018

#83 to #86

I was lucky enough to find a unicorn darner in the front yard as I drove into the driveway recently. It stayed put long enough for me to run in, get the camera, and fire off just one photo before it took off rapidly.
#84 Austroaeschna unicornis
We went to the beach at Anglesea over the Labour Day long weekend, and amongst other things I found a species of drone fly that I have not seen before...

#84 Eristalinus aeneus
This week's visit to Woodlands Historic Park was a hard slog, as there wasn't very much of anything around. I did find an interesting bee for the park list (and this list) as well as a lone pied lacewing that was just too far away to get a good photo of, so I'll have to put up with this average one!

#85 Lipotriches (Austronomia) flavoviridis

#86 Porismus strigatus

Friday 9 March 2018

#80 to #82 pending IDs that have been identified via

I've managed to receive a few IDs for photos taken earlier in the year after posting images on

#80 Campion tenuistrigus

#81 Chortoicetes terminifera

#82 Distoleon bistrigatus

Saturday 3 March 2018

#72 to #79 at Woodlands Historic Park

Yes, I've been back to Woodlands Historic Park to see what I could see, and I managed to find some very interesting insects, including a few rare ones!

#72 Junonia villida calybe (Meadow argus)

#73 Philagra parva

#74 Aporocera (Aporocera) consors

#75 Snellenia lineata (Lycid mimic moth)

#76 Campion australasiae

#77 Epidesmia tryxaria

#78 Dispar compacta

#79 Ogyris abrota (Dark purple azure) (Sorry about the poor photo, but this is a rare butterfly and it was quite flighty and I could only get distant photos)

#199 to #203 at Balbirooro, Victoria, Australia, December 26 2018

Yesterday I went to twitch an Eastern Yellow Wagtail,a very rare bird for our part of the world. While I was there, I found some very nice i...